Privacy Policy
Thank you for using SMARTSTICK’s products and services.
Below outlines our Privacy Policy in regard to our SMARTSTICK OBD2 devices, applications, and websites. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Information about how the data we collect, use and protect, and the steps we take to ensure maximum security is explained in this document.
When you use our services, we collect the following information you provide.
– Account information
When creating an account through our application, we collect information such as your name, email address and password. We do not collect mobile phone number, address or any other personal information. This information is used to personalise your application experience and allow us to contact you.
To enable the main features of the SMARTSTICK application, you need to provide us with additional information about your vehicle, manufacturer, model, engine type and fuel type. This information is used to customise your application experience and ensure accurate data and analysis.
– Additional information
If you contact us or participate in investigation, promotion, etc., we will collect the information you submit, such as your name, contact information, etc.
– Payment and credit card information
If you purchase SMARTSTICK products or services on our website, you will need to provide your payment information, including your name, credit or debit card number detail and shipping address. Your credit or debit card information is not stored by us and access to this information is limited to the third-party payment processor. In order to fulfil your order, we save your name and shipping address. We also store your email address so that you can keep track of your order fulfillment and information.
– Vehicle On-Board Diagnostics information
To use our services, we collect information about the vehicle when you plug your SMARTSTICK device into your OBD2 port. This information includes, but is not limited to: diagnostic reports, speed, RPM, engine temperature, battery voltage and mileage. This information is the core requirement for the application’s operation and helps provide useful information about vehicle health, trip data, maintenance requirements and reporting; and enable analysis and reporting through the application.
– Location information
The SMARTSTICK device does not have its own built in GPS function and cannot track your vehicle. The SMARTSTICK application has the ability to use location data, including GPS signals from the mobile device. This enables the application to determine when you are driving and enable location-based features such as maps in the application. This permission is also required to connect to a Bluetooth device and enable the application to function when it is closed or in the background. We do not access, collect, or store your location data. We do not provide this information to third parties. We do not have control of whether location information is used as you can enable or disable this feature at any time by accessing location service for the SMARTSTICK application on your mobile device. You are in control of location information.
The information collected by the application will be used for the following purposes.
– Personalise your application
– Allow us to communicate with you
– Provide data and reporting about your vehicle
We do not share your personal or vehicle information with any third parties.
You have full control of the information you enter during the registration process and you have access to this information and can edit this information at any time. We provide you with account setup to access and process your personal data. When you make changes to your information, we do not store the old information and if you delete your account your information is deleted from our servers.
Your information is stored on our secure servers. We make every attempt to keep your information secure. We use the latest encryption security. However, the security of your information is also your responsibility. You are required to choose your own password in order to access your SMARTSTICK application, you are responsible for ensuring this password is not too simple and for keeping it confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. No method of transferring or storing data is completely secure. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk.
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.
SmartStick Pty Ltd